Carbon Brief’s editorial team is supported by an international group of academics, each specialising in various areas of climate science, biodiversity, energy and policy.
As contributing editors, they help to keep Carbon Brief up-to-date with the latest scientific and policy developments, as well as providing advice, when required, on matters of scientific accuracy.
The contributing editors, who will serve a term of two years in the role, are not paid by Carbon Brief and do not endorse its content.

Dr Céline Guivarch (@CelineGuivarch)
Guivarch is a professor at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in France and a researcher at the International Research Center on Environment and Development (CIRED). Her research focuses on the economic impacts of climate change and pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She is a member of the French High Council for Climate and was a lead author of the IPCC AR6 report on mitigating climate change.

Prof Frank Jotzo (@frankjotzo)
Jotzo is a professor of environmental economics at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy. His research focuses on decarbonisation strategies and energy transition, as well as climate change economics and policy. He was a lead author of the IPCC’s AR5 and AR6 reports on mitigating climate change. He has advised national and state governments, organisations and businesses.

Dr Zachary Labe (@ZLabe)
Labe is a postdoctoral research associate at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program at Princeton University. His research explores the intersection of internal climate variability, extreme events, climate projections and artificial intelligence.

Dr David Lapola (@DavidLapola)
Lapola is a research scientist at the University of Campinas in Brazil, where he coordinates the Earth System Science Laboratory. His research focuses on global change ecology, land-use change, ecosystem services, the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, Earth system modelling and sustainability science. He coordinates the Amazon-FACE experiment examining the impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the Amazon rainforest. He was a contributing author of the IPCC AR6 report and lead author of the first Science Panel for the Amazon assessment report.

Dr Friederike Otto (@FrediOtto)
Otto is a senior lecturer in climate science at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute. She previously worked for 10 years at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on extreme weather events and understanding whether and to what extent these are made more likely or intense due to climate change. She is co-founder and leader of the World Weather Attribution initiative and was a lead author in the IPCC AR6 WG1 and synthesis report. In 2021 she made TIME’s list of the top 100 influential people in the world.

Prof Lisa Schipper (@schipper_lisa)
Schipper is a professor of development geography at the University of Bonn in Germany, where she runs the adaptation research collective Adaptation Hive. Her research focuses on the links between adaptation and development, including how to avoid maladaptation and ensure equity in adaptation. She is co-editor-in-chief of the journal Climate and Development and was a coordinating lead author of the IPCC AR6 report on climate impacts and adaptation.

Dr Chandni Singh (@_chandnisingh)
Singh is a senior researcher at the School of Environment and Sustainability at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements in Bangalore. Her research focuses on the intersection of climate change adaptation and development, including differential vulnerability to climate risks, how and why people choose to adapt or not and the role of migration in building resilience and wellbeing. She was a lead author of the IPCC AR6 report on climate impacts and adaptation and a contributing author on the IPCC special report on 1.5C.

Dr Portia Adade Williams (@adadeposh)
Williams is a research scientist at the Science and Technology Policy Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Ghana. Her research focuses on feasibility and effectiveness of climate adaptation options across different regions in Africa. She was a contributing author of the IPCC AR6 report on climate impacts and adaptation and a contributing author of the 2022-2032 African Union’s climate change and resilient development strategy and action plans.
Carbon Brief is grateful for the support of its previous contributing editors: Prof Richard Allan; Prof Mark Brandon; Prof Piers Forster; Prof Gabriele Hegerl; Prof Simon Lewis; Prof Tim Osborn; Prof Camille Parmesan; and Prof Peter Stott.