LATEST BY Orla Dwyer
Climate change made the ‘supercharged’ 2024 Pantanal wildfires 40% more intense
Attribution | 08.08.24
Cropped 31 July 2024: Deep-sea mining talks; UN hunger report; Venezuela election and the Amazon
Cropped | 31.07.24
Cropped 3 July 2024: Brazil wetlands blaze; Denmark agri carbon tax; Heat and drought hit crops
Cropped | 03.07.24
Negative emissions: Scientists debate role of CO2 removal in tackling climate change
Negative emissions | 26.06.24
Agriculture ‘major driver’ of rise in nitrous oxide emissions over past 40 years
Food and farming | 11.06.24
Better refrigeration could avoid almost 2bn tonnes of CO2 per year from food loss
Food and farming | 05.06.24
Cropped 22 May 2024: Farmland ‘grabbing’; Ocean court ‘victory’ for small islands; Pre-COP16 talks
Cropped | 22.05.24